While this project did not go as planned, I am nonetheless content with my willingness to accept the challenge of working with a program that doesn't come easily. I encountered several major issues with Blender, including losing my initial sculpt of a dragon mask and working on a laptop that struggles to run the program. While I mourn the loss of my initial sculpt, I'm ultimately glad I could get somewhere with trying again and creating the twofaced-demon mask below. It's unfinished, but I'm looking forward to continuing to develop it!
Artist statement:
Masks are an integral part of human entertainment, spanning myriads of cultures and outlasting some of the most ancient, traditional forms of connection within a community. They are employed for almost every facet of community need: from portraying the spirits and gods a person would be wise to recognize, respect, or avoid; to lending a spiritual leader a physical means of placing themselves in a metaphysical state; to entertaining on holy days; to camouflaging, etc. As an avid creator of monsters, I wanted to use the amenities of modern art software to reimagine the monster, experimenting with the departure of the wearer from discernable human features.
